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Thursday, 26 September 2013 16:07

World's End official, plus Cornetto Trilogy, Gambler, New Three Stooges: Complete & more!


As promised, we’ve got some good stuff here at The Bits for you today…

First up, our own Bud Elder has checked in with a new View from the Cheap Seats column in which he muses on alternate film casting and also runs down some of the more interesting home video releases on Blu-ray, DVD and DVD-R.  Don’t miss it!

I’ve turned in a combo review of 20th Century Fox’s Homeland: Seasons One and Two on Blu-ray.  It’s one of my favorite series currently on TV – a brilliantly cast, acted and written spy drama that won last year’s Emmy for Best Drama Series – and its third season debuts this coming Sunday night on Showtime.  If you’re not watching it already, I strongly encourage you to give it a look.  [Read on here…]

Also, the good Dr. Jahnke has updated a couple more of his classic Blu-ray reviews from The Original Bits site, including Universal’s Couples Retreat and Magnolia/Magnet’s Bronson.  Enjoy!

In announcement news today, Universal has officially set Edgar Wright’s The World’s End for release on Blu-ray Combo and DVD on 11/19.  Extras on the Blu-ray will include writers commentary with Wright and Simon Pegg, a cast commentary with Pegg, Nick Frost and Paddy Considine, and a technical commentary with Wright and D.P. Bill Pope, 8 featurettes (Completing the Golden Mile, Filling in the Blanks: The Stunts and FX of The World’s End, Stunt Tapes, VFX Breakdowns, There’s Only One Gary King, The Man Who Would Be (Gary) King, Signs & Omens and Edgar & Simon’s Flip Chart), hair and make-up tests, rehearsal footage and deleted scenes, outtakes and alternate edits.

That same day Universal will also release The Ultimate Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy on Blu-ray containing Wright’s The World’s End, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead in one package.

Meanwhile, Timeless Media Group and Shout! Factory have set Kenny Rogers’ The Gambler for Blu-ray release on 11/5.

Magnolia has set the comedy I Give It a Year for Blu-ray and DVD release on 10/22.

Image Entertainment and Madacy have set The New Three Stooges: Complete Cartoon Collection for DVD only release on 10/15 (SRP $29.98).

And Lionsgate has set the fantasy thriller Dracula: The Dark Prince for DVD release on 10/15 as well as a Walmart exclusive (SRP $9.98).  The film stars Jon Voight.

Here’s a look at the Blu-ray cover art for Universal’s The World’s End and Timeless Media’s The Gambler, as well as DVD art for Image’s The New Three Stooges: Complete Cartoon Collection

The World's End (Blu-ray Disc)    The Gambler (Blu-ray Disc)    The New Three Stooges: Complete Cartoon Collection (DVD)

Stay tuned!

- Bill Hunt